Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Thank You to All Democrats

From Brittany B:
Thank you for bringing sexy Democracy back to our nation. I look forward to seeing the return of diplomacy, as well as our troops, to our bruised country. It is so good to once again see some form of Democratic representation in the government. It has been ruled far too long by the Right, and it is time to take back the government by the people, for the people.

Thank you also for representing the average man. I believe the Democrats are truly the party made to represent the average people of this fine nation, and I look forward to seeing issues that the everyday person faces on a daily basis such as debt, college tuition, and unemployment, in center of attention once again.


Thank You Nancy

From Bradley B.
Thanks Pelosi


Not Yours

from J to the D:

Thanks Democrats for returning checks and balances to our system of government!
Not Yours


Thank you to California

From Robert in San Francisco:

Thank You No on Prop 85


Please Create Your Own Messages

Many of us owe a great debt of gratitude to the candidates, volunteers, donors, staff and others who made this victory possible. Please consider making a thank you message and sending it in to this blog to share with others throughout the country.

Everything posted here will also be sent to the campaigns so that they see the message. Please e-mail any messages to


Thank You John Yarmuth

From Chris H. in Kentucky:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Thank You Claire McCaskill

from Andy R. in St. Louis Missouri:


Thank You Letter to Harold Ford Jr.

From Abe L. in Tennessee

dear thank you democrats!
I was rooting for you the entire time and you did an amazing job. Thank you for your inspiring campaign, and god bless! You didn't win, but you made me proud to be a democrat.

Do you have your own thank you letter? Please e-mail it to


Thank You Diane Watson

From Stephanie R.

Thank You Diane Watson


Thank You Jim Webb


Thank You Jim Webb

Monday, November 06, 2006



This blog is a public forum for people to post message of support to our nation's Democrats. Message can be in any form whether picture, text, audio, or video. Anything that is submitted and a positive message of thanks to the Democrats will be posted. To submit something, send the item (or a link to where it can be found online) to For more information about submitting something, please go here. Please go here for the Frequently Asked Questions.

This blog is maintained by Andy Ratto, although it's content is a combined effort of Democrats and others throughout the country.


Sunday, November 05, 2006


How to Submit

1. Produce a messaging thanking Democrats for this election. The message can be a picture, video, text, or audio.

2. E-mail the message to or post it online and send a link to where the message can be found to that address. Or, leave a comment in this post with a link to your message.

3. Please include any identifying information about yourself you would like included in the message. If you do not include what personal information about yourself that you would like posted, your message will be posted anonymously.

4. Negative messages directed at Republicans will not be posted.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Frequently Asked Questions

This site is new so there aren't any frequently asked questions yet. There actually aren't any questions period. But if you have a question, please post it in the comments and we'll update this post with an answer.


Got a Message Already Online?

If you have uploaded text, a video, a picture, or an audio message somewhere online, please post a link in the comments and we will include it in the front of the site.

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